In 2008, the central bankers of the world revealed the true danger of Keynesian economic theory by staging the biggest bailout to date. There was a short flurry of complaints about the banking system being able to leverage the economy instead of just themselves and their filth-ridden balance sheets.

Fast forward 12 years. You guessed it – another massive bailout. The warnings issued after the crisis of 2008 went unheeded, banks leveraged to even greater levels than 2008 and brought the rest of the world with them. Now, not only has runaway Keynesianism enabled the banks to leverage themselves and the financial economy, now they’ve been permitted to leverage the entire world’s economy as well.

Central banks are gambling the next hundred years of economic history that they can print their way out of this mess. Instead of unwinding their malfeasance, they’re doubling down.

Many of you read our piece on ‘modern monetary theory’ last summer. That is now in play as well. This summer we’ll analyze the next move in an epic economic game of chicken. And there isn’t a person on Earth who will be left unaffected. Coming Soon…
