Great Depression II – It Can’t Happen to Us, Can It? – Republished from May 2008 – with Addendum

Webster’s defines complacency as “1.satisfaction or contentment 2. smug self-satisfaction” There is probably not a better word to describe the current state of perception with regard to economic and financial malady. I had an interesting conversation the other night about exactly this topic and the individual I was speaking with had an overriding belief that we cannot suffer economically simply because the current generation is not prepared to deal with it. While I certainly agree with the latter assertion, the former continues to baffle me. I am certainly not prepared to deal with a lengthy hospital stay as the result of a horrific car crash, but that alone doesn’t cloak me in immunity from having an accident. The reasoning is so broken and flawed, yet it is often all we get in terms of a perception of what is going on.

This disconnect begets a discussion of why exactly it is that society has chosen to believe itself to be immune from bad things. It is odd in itself that when you talk to individuals, they seem to be acutely aware of many of the challenges facing us, but when you put all the individuals together and create a society, we act as though the party will indeed last forever. We are certainly dealing with a situation in which the intelligence of the whole is by far less than the sum of all its parts. Here’s a little bit of déjà vu for you, compliments of Wikipedia:

“In the 1920s, Americans consumers and businesses relied on cheap credit, the former to purchase consumer goods such as automobiles and furniture and the later for capital investment to increase production. This fueled strong short-term growth but created consumer and commercial debt. People and businesses who were deeply in debt when price deflation occurred or demand for their product decreased often risked default. Many drastically cut current spending to keep up time payments, thus lowering demand for new products. Businesses began to fail as construction work and factory orders plunged.”

Sound familiar anyone? See any price deflation going on? The Wilshire 5000 has only lost about 2.5 TRILLION dollars in value in the last two months or so. What about the loss in home equity? Another trillion or two? Who knows, but I think you get the point. We are seeing almost to the final utterance the same play we saw unfold in 1929. Were those folks any more prepared for the Great Depression than we are today? I’d argue that while they were perhaps a bit better equipped to provide for their own sustenance, that American society in the 1920’s was as complacent as we are today. When the realization of history’s coup de grace hits, we will be caught as unaware as our ancestors were back in 1929.

Here are some other examples of what Alan Greenspan likes to call ‘irrational exuberance’ in the 1920’s:

“We will not have any more crashes in our time.”

John Maynard Keynes in 1927 (The authenticity of this one is a little suspect) DOW ~ 175

“There will be no interruption of our permanent prosperity.”

Myron E. Forbes, President, Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co., January 12, 1928 – DOW ~ 200

“There may be a recession in stock prices, but not anything in the nature of a crash.” – Irving Fisher, leading U.S. economist, New York Times, Sept. 5, 1929 – DOW ~ 375

“All safe deposit boxes in banks or financial institutions have been sealed… and may only be opened in the presence of an agent of the I.R.S.” – President F.D. Roosevelt, 1933 – DOW ~ 65

Tuesday morning we received news that according to the Institute of Supply Management, the service portion of our economy underwent a significant contraction during the month of December. This is alarming given the fact that December is normally one of the busiest times of the year. Even still, a trip past the local mall provides a busy scene. People are streaming in and out, carrying boxes and bags of imported trinkets to their imported cars. They will then use imported gasoline to drive to their home, the mortgage of which is likely to be owned by a foreign investor. Yet the average American citizen sees nothing wrong with this picture. Or could it be that they don’t even see the picture at all? The media has certainly been playing the role of absentee informant in recent years, choosing to focus on such insipid topics as Britney Spears’ latest rehab stint rather than the important business at hand.

Here now, are some quotes from this generation’s 2007 and 2008:

“It is encouraging that inflation expectations appear to be contained,” Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke – Testimony to Congress – March 28 th , 2007 – DOW ~ 12,500, Headline CPI-U ~ 2.8% Y/Y

“As I think you know, I believe very strongly that a strong dollar is in our nation’s interest, and I’m a big believer in currencies being set in a competitive, open marketplace,” – Henry Paulson – Secretary of the Treasury – USDX ~ 81.50

““We are making history. What has passed the Congress in record time is a gift to the middle class and those who aspire to it in our country.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the $168 Billion tax ‘rebate’ while the middle class is spending their Wal-Mart Christmas gift cards on food and other necessities.

They’re making history all right. Too bad it will end up being the WRONG kind. How can we ever hope to focus the population on the urgency of our current predicament when our leaders are willing to make it worse by handing our freebies, bailing out those who willingly make poor investment choices and telling us everything can be ‘free’ if we’ll only pull their lever on election day?

Or am I putting the cart in front of the horse? Perhaps a contrarian opinion might be that our leaders are giving the public exactly what it wants. In either case, I am quite certain that our state of unpreparedness will not constitute a free pass from the negative effects of a recession or a retraction of any of the financial excesses we’ve enjoyed over the past few decades.

Addendum – June 2023

Most people today don’t even remember Hank Paulson – or his ridiculous statements regarding the US Dollar. If a strong dollar was truly in our national interest, then we have no national interest left thanks to those fine, unaccountable feathered friends at the not-so-USFed. Poor Hank was like a financial piñata – no matter how many hits he took for this grossly erroneous statement, he kept right on spilling out candy.

15 years later and only the names have changed. The vocabulary-challenged Paulson is long gone, replaced by less than erudite Janet Yellen. Evidently one of the requirements of a Treasury Secretary or a not-so-USFed Chairman is to be able to speak for an hour and say absolutely nothing. Jay Powell is definitely at a disadvantage; he actually tries to explain things.

Economics isn’t rocket science. Or anywhere close. It’s a rather simple topic to understand. It is made complex by institutions who benefit when the population is clueless. When it comes to obfuscation, most policymakers get a AAA – ironically the same grade assigned to those worthless MBS back in the heydays of 2005-2007.

US Banking System Update – 5/9/23

Andy Sutton / Graham Mehl

One of the biggest problems with a lack of transparency is that, especially during times of panic, fear spreads like a contagion. This past week saw multiple banks get into ‘trouble’. This ‘trouble’ was diagnosed by looking at share prices instead of actually looking for the real symptoms.

Sadly, there is so little transparency in the Great Financial Crisis – rebooted – that it has become extremely difficult to figure out who has the most exposure, so the entire financial sector is getting creamed. A look at regional banking stocks produces a serious case of deja vu. The charts are almost identical. Does this mean that every single regional bank is overexposed? Not likely. Today we’ll discuss the actual cause of the recent troubles and forget about stock prices, charts, and the mainstream financial press for a while.

Bank Failures

As mentioned above, the entire commercial banking sector has been hammered from a market capitalization point of view. However, we have to point out strenuously that (especially now) stock prices do NOT necessarily reflect the health of banks. From a fundamental standpoint, every money center bank is already upside down, by definition. The same goes for the regionals as well. Why? Because they’re all leveraged. They’ve borrowed insane multiples against their Tier 1 capital. Again. This is what triggered the 2008 crash. Their bond portfolios were killed by the not-so-USFed’s interest rate hikes. Given that commercial banks own the fed – yes they do – it’s a curious situation. This bit of Kabuki Theater is likely going to end in the US going to a central bank digital currency (CBDC). FedNow, and other pilots have already been run.

Furthering the mess, several mainstream media outlets are now spreading the ‘news’ that the US may suspend cash withdrawals from banks. Of course when people read this there will be some kind of a mad dash to the banks to withdraw cash, therefore causing the cessation of withdrawals.

A bit of background on the money supply is in order. Most of the US Dollar supply is already digital. Not in the sense of a CDBC, but these dollars don’t exist in the form of cash. They make rounds through the economy, never being withdrawn. Roughly $800 billion is in cash and coin. The total money supply is no longer supplied by ‘official’ sources, but it can be reconstructed and it’s north of $25 trillion. Our point is that only a very small portion exists in cash. Bank deposits shrank by nearly a trillion dollars just in March. There is still plenty of cash available, so where did it go? We know precious metals dealers are getting hammered with orders. Where else did it go? Cryptocurrencies got some of it. Most of the dollars that moved out of bank deposits were digital. Thanks to the two month window in getting actual numbers we won’t have a clear picture until later this month or early June.

Points to Ponder

Be careful going into weekends. Even a cursory look back at the 2008 crisis demonstrates that most of the carnage happens on weekends for the simple reason that it gives the FDIC, etc. the weekend to clean the mess up before the markets open Monday. Midweek failures are extremely rare. That said, keep a close eye on any securities you may hold. We will not give specific advice here, other than to exercise caution, especially on Friday afternoons.

Don’t run the banks. If we (and many others) are correct, it will make matters worse and honestly, if we go to a CBDC that cash will likely be worthless. At minimum it’ll be recalled if you want to exchange it for the new token.

Deleverage. Now. Get out of debt if you can. We realize that this economy with roaring inflation has put so many marginal income households into the red. If you’re fortunate enough to have the resources to get out from under, do so. The money supply charts over the past 2 months have shown a modest deflationary (not a typo) trend. This is what put farms into foreclosure during the Depression. There wasn’t enough money for debt service. We could start seeing that here fairly soon if the trend continues. Again, we’re running two months in arrears on the data as mentioned above.

Leverage is what got the banks in trouble and it will do the same to individuals.

Until next time, stay well and well-informed,

Andy / Graham

A Quick Check-In, the Farce of GDP Reporting and a New Monetary Regime

Hello friends,

Yes, we are still alive! And kicking too – at least most days! It’s been two years since we published anything, but we’ve been very busy, nonetheless. We’d like to take a moment to point out a few indisputable (and very provable) facts. 

Let’s play connect the dots, shall we? This is a bit off-topic of the day but might be instructive for some in your spheres of influence.

1) MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) is in full force. The ‘Fed’ – and the rest of the world’s central banks – are printing funny money like crazy. Hence no more M2 here in the US. For reference, M3 was discontinued in March 2006.

2) That funny money is pushing consumer prices at an admitted rate of 4+% annualized. Let’s assume that’s true even though we know it’s much higher.

3) GDP in every major economy is measured in currency, NOT units of goods and services produced/purchased/sold.

Therefore, even if every single American business, middleman, and consumer conducted the exact same amount of economic activity (produced/sold/purchased) as last year, GDP will STILL rise by more than 4% on an annualized basis. What exactly is going on here?

We all know. The international bankers are doing exactly what Thomas Jefferson said they would do – robbing us blind first by inflation, then by deflation. Lest I digress too much, GDP is NOT an accurate way to measure any kind of economic growth in its current form, especially because one of the components is government spending (look at the deficit spending last year alone!). 

The Cobb-Douglas production model that Graham and I tweaked to include more modern components of the global economy and have been running for the last decade STILL shows America in a protracted recession. It’s not a perfect model, but it’s a lot better than the one that is spouted about 4 times a year on CNBC, etc. If you haven’t already, feel free to download, read, and spread our 2019 commentary on Modern Monetary Theory. The link is at the end of the email.

Spread it far and wide. Delete our names if you wish. We want neither credit nor accolades. We just want people who are looking for a little common sense to know there’s some out there. The article isn’t perfect, but it’s the effort of two guys who love their country and feel stewardship of the blessings we’ve been given is very important. 

Next up? The ’new’ Bretton Woods and an analysis of Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’. Purely in economic terms.


Andy & Graham

Russia/China Currency Alliance is Now Doing Less than 50% of Business in US Dollars

This is something we have been talking about what seems like forever. The move away from the dollar. It was always a matter of when rather than if and unfortunately we’ve reached the point now where the majority of transactions between these two growing economic powers is done away from the $USDollar. This has many, MANY implications for all Americans and anyone else who uses the $USD as their primary means of storing wealth.

This move also explains the embracing of Knapp’s modern monetary theory that was soft-introduced back in 2018. We wrote an extensive paper on MMT and we’re posting this again below for anyone who hasn’t read it. We will be releasing another commissioned paper by Labor Day. We’ll also be re-posting relevant articles that were written between 2006 and the present on precious metals, the dollar standard, bail-ins, and general relevant macroeconomic articles as well.

Please visit the site often to catch updates. You may also ‘subscribe’ to receive a notification when new material is posted. There is no cost for subscribing and we don’t maintain any records. WordPress will keep your email address and any other info you provide – please see our Privacy Policy for more details. There will be more information shortly.


Here is the paper on modern monetary theory – Read/Download here.

Where Do We Go from Here? Economic Analysis for Remainder of FY2020

The world started 2020 on the most shaky of terms, economically speaking. The world was already in the early stages of a contraction in aggregate demand. The covers of magazines had articles of various corporate analysts and CEOs talking about a serious recession as early as late 2018. We stress this was a global contraction, not limited to one or even a few countries. As was the case in 2008 some would fare better than others for myriad reasons. The last few months of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 saw the resignation of CEOs from several prominent companies such as Disney.

Being perpetual cynics, we wondered if they knew something the rest didn’t. The prospect of a recession was largely downplayed in the US/UK/EU mainstream press, which was no surprise. They’ve been derelict in their duty for decades now. The average American/Brit/European had no idea what was coming. Even the central banking community was bathed in complacency. They’d achieved Ben Bernanke’s ‘Goldilocks Economy‘ even if only in their own minds.

We pointed to one event as a harbinger of an upcoming crisis as early as 2016 – the appointment of Neel Kashkari to the position of President of the Minneapolis ‘Fed’. Huh? Neel Kashkari was tapped by Henry ‘Hank’ Paulson back in 2008 to head up the TARP fund created by Congress in November of that year as part of the massive Wall Street bailout brought on by a spate of bankruptcies, insolvencies, and general financial mayhem.

Why Kashkari in 2016? The last we’d heard, he was living in the mountains of California planting potatoes or some such. The TARP mess stank on every level and it was apparent that once his work was done, Kashkari was off for a long, long early retirement. So his appointment to such a position registered an 8 out of 10 on the weird-stuff-o-meter.

Moving into 2020 the United States economy was balancing on the triple supports of consumerism, financial sector activity, and government excess. The FY 2019-20 Federal deficit was going to be one for the ages long before the term ‘Corona’ was known as anything other than part of the Sun.

Geopolitical tensions were high with the sanctioned assassination of a prominent Iranian general within the first few days of 2020 and the failed ongoing ouster of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro at the forefront. Add to that an ongoing trade war / war of words / saber-rattling between Washington and Beijing as well as a good deal of ill-rhetoric between Washington and Moscow. That’s just a small sampling.

With nearly all of the first world nations running persistent current account deficits and the rest of the economic superstructure living heavily on debt and financial speculation, it was only a matter of time. Would it be a pin that popped the ‘everything bubble’ or would it simply just slowly deflate (not to be confused with monetary deflation)?

So pervasive was and is the presence of debt in the circumstance of nations, states, trading blocs, provinces, municipalities, companies, and individuals that the trillions of dollars racked up by the US alone was not even viewed askance by economists OUTSIDE what would be considered the mainstream of the scientific economics community. Keynesianism was like a high-quality dime store pinata. Now matter how hard it was hit, it just kept spitting out candy.

We mentioned in My Two Cents on several occasions that this whole ‘system’, if you will, would go until it didn’t. It was a confidence game, just like the multitude of fiat currency regimes that backed it in the various corners of global commerce. As long as economic actors had ample supply of tokens (currencies), and another economic actor would accept those tokens in exchange for scarce land, labor, capital, and technology, the system worked.

Then the world got sick.

There has been much talk of ‘black swan’ events. The term was coined by a current events/geopolitics author Nassim Taleb. The black swan is something that nobody is looking or planning for. It is not on the radar. Period. There have been some who have been talking about pandemics in general for quite some time now in similar fashion to your authors considering the likelihood of economic fallout from the fact that the organized world has violated every law of economics imaginable. There’s always a reckoning day.

We are not going to discuss the SARS-nCOV-02 situation from a biologic/scientific standpoint as that is outside the scope of our expertise. We’re going to focus on nCV as a triggering event or black swan and the likely economic ramifications.

The amount of money that has already been borrowed/printed and spent is mind-blowing. It cannot be complicated by the human mind. The US National Debt blew right past $25 trillion. It is hard to fathom this but the growth of the national debt is a mathematical function based on the concept of fractional reserve banking. The debt was headed to where it is now anyway. That is going to be the biggest take-home. Would have it happened this fast without nCV? Probably not, but it was headed past $25T in the next 12 months regardless.

What nCV does is give governments the world over a free pass if you will on the print and spend / borrow and spend fiscal irresponsibility that has been going on for decades now. Europe reached its breaking point because of this foolishness in the past decade. The 2020s will be looked upon in history as the decade when the USDollar finally died.

That’s a bold pronouncement isn’t it? Not really. Who in their right mind is going to continue to lend to any entity that is so fiscally reckless? Ourselves along with many others have laid bare the runaway fiscal policy that has infected the US for so long. Now there is the element of public health involved and the general consensus is that we have to continue these spending policies, bailout entire industries, and even provide income to the populace. Anyone speaking out against any of this is labeled as being against helping people.

What needs to be understood is that this ‘help’ is only temporary. Think of the minimum wage. It is a very applicable analogy. Every increase of the minimum wage only lasts so long then another increase is required to produce the same result. Now, scale that up to the world’s economies and that’s what you’ve got. The ‘system’ needs ever-increasing amounts of stimulus to produce the same effect.

While grossly overused, the analogy of a drug addict is a very good one. Eventually the addict needs a fix just to feel normal. And so goes the global economy. If the stimulus is scaled back, the economy goes into withdrawal. The US economy is around 70% consumption and has been that way for nearly two decades now. This is not just a national or government problem. It transcends all layers of the economy. Even successful companies loaded up on cheap, low interest rate debt to conduct share buybacks, thus pushing stock prices higher.

Where do we go from here?

Even before the new year began, countries and companies outside the US were cutting deals outside the dollar. The dollar’s status as world’s reserve currency was being challenged. Expect that to continue – and accelerate. There won’t be a pronouncement that the dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency. It likely will not be a headline. It’s been happening incrementally for years now. This latest fiscal quagmire will accelerate the matter. China is testing a digital currency. Russia has thousands of tons of gold. These countries don’t get along with America and Europe on a good day. The Russians already dumped nearly all of their US Government debt, but the Chinese still have a significant amount around $1 trillion.

Treasury Secy. Steve Mnuchin claims all that debt doesn’t give China any leverage on America. We’ll allow you to draw your own conclusions.

A global reshuffling of the economic order was already taking place before 2020 started. Europe endured a partial crisis over excess debt and the austerity that followed. And all of that was just a small piece of the problem. Economic history is replete with examples of complacent countries and empires who thought it could never happen to them. Complacency might just be the most dangerous state of mind that man can occupy. We are quite sure the Romans would agree.


Chart of the Day – US National Debt by the Year

Notes: Almost exactly 6 years to go from $5T to $6T. We’ll ignore the jump from $23T to $24T because of the emergency spending. We assert that the spending would have happened anyway, but omit it in the interests of full disclosure. The jump from $22T to $23T took only 8.5 months. The slope of the debt curve is increasing at nearly the square of the annual increase.

Economists love to talk about ‘escape velocity’ in terms of economic recovery. We’re going to inject that term into the debt discussion. By 2024, the Congressional budget office estimates the national debt will be at $36T – another $12 trillion over top of where we are now. So.. $12T in the next four years. In the previous four years, the growth was around $4.5T.

It doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out if we get to $36T by 2024, there is no going back. In all honesty, that ship has likely already sailed. Our planning needs to move into the next phase now. Where do we go from here? We’ll be addressing that, along with some pointers on general risk management in the weeks that follow.

Just one follow-up question – when was the last time you heard anyone talk about the infamous debt ceiling???? Something to think about during all this time we all have for contemplation.


**Chart compliments of CNS News**

US National Debt

A Picture Worth a Trillion (and then some) Words?

Andy’s Notes: Inflation, the Debt Ceiling, and the Dow Jones mentioned in the same sentence. They all have one thing in common – they’re going up. Asset bubbles are much more palatable by the average person than cost of living bubbles. In other words, when inflation blows up stock indices, the world cheers. When it blows up the cost of things like food, gas, and other necessities, that is not acceptable. (Click the thumbnail below to see the whole image).