Addendum for ‘Modern Monetary Theory – Applications in the 21st Century’ Forthcoming

We appreciate the large number of inquiries, questions, and comments regarding our recent paper on ‘MMT’. We’d also like to thank for giving it such a favorable position on their website, we truly appreciate it. We do this not for accolades, however, but to raise awareness.

Along that thread, we’ve decided the best way to handle the communications we’ve received is with a brief audio transmission, which we will post on this site – within the next week – to give us more time to read additional emails and reflect on the material in general.

Once again we are blessed to have such great readers. The questions asked originated from points we’d made during our research and actually caused us to ask even MORE questions regarding this material. This is critical thinking at its absolute finest and we are again reminded that this is far more than just two guys – this is truly a TEAM. You are doing far more for the advancement of the science of Economics than you can ever imagine.

Andy & Graham

Modern Monetary Theory – 21st Century Applications : A Sutton / G. Mehl

To the people who have been waiting patiently for this paper, we apologize. Our own ‘deadline’ for this was a month or so ago, but life generally conspires to get in the way of even the best laid plans. While there is little in the way of good news contained in the work itself, there is an upside in that the world has still yet just barely dipped its toes into the dubious world of ‘Modern Monetary Theory’. Knapp should not be blamed for what modern policymakers do in his name – Knapp had a healthy suspicion regarding governments and their use of money and wrote as such.

Over 100 years later and having that same strong sense of skepticism and the benefit of history to go along with it, we present to you this paper. Some of these concepts are already in use today. With regards to those, hopefully the paper helps you understand they ‘why’ of the situation. However, MMT has not yet been fully rolled out in all of its statist grandeur and for that we must rejoice. MMT is the Capstone of the monetary enslavement process going on worldwide at the present time – our opinion. We hope to have some opportunities to discuss this paper publicly. If that doesn’t transpire, then we’ll come up with something because we know there are a lot of you out there who still care what happens – even if the masses do not.

Please click the link below to access the paper. It is in PDF format. You may also right-click the link and save the PDF to your computer.

Our Best – Andy Sutton and Graham Mehl